The moment I stepped outside of the train station to go running, I immediately felt the coldness. The pool right outside of the station was all frozen, and it was really beautiful but at the same time frightening because I'll be honest, I never ran in a temperature below freezing before. To prepare myself, I wore a toque, had an Under Armour base layer with another layer of long sleeve athletic clothes then to top it off, I had on a windbreaker (which I got at the Tulalip Outlet for like $7 but it works), then for the bottom I had on a lightening dry (New Balance tights) and then sweatpants.

I started working my way around the Sea Wall. It felt nice because it wasn't crowded and a few people are out. Usually the Sea Wall is packed with people and you have to avoid running into people, especially the huge crowds of tourists who often take pictures on the sea wall and forget that there are others who walk/run/cycle on there too.
The first little bit was abit hard as the coldness made me feel abit out of breath and my lungs were really cold. However, after the first 2km, I would say it got better. As I went around the sea wall, I noticed many places of the sea wall were frozen. Over these frozen zones I decreased my pace to avoid running into black ice. After about 9km, I started to feel like it was abit harder to keep running.
I wasn't tired or anything but it could be because of the fact that I had exams in the last little while (and I will have them for the next week as well), I haven't been training as much as I have been since the Fall Classic Half Marathon 3 weeks ago, so I lost abit of endurance base there. At the end though, I still finished the 14km that I planned to do!